Sunday, September 29, 2013

Arriving in Switzerland (August 17, 2013)

Arriving in Switzerland

Here is Lily being an amazing sport traveling through the airports

 Here is our life laid out on one single hand cart ... impressive

... here we have arrived on campus. This is the view from the dining hall, that we can see each day walking around campus.

Here we are on campus, walking up to what will be our future apartment (we are living in it now, but it wasn't finished at the time). It is the white and yellow building at the very top of the steps.

... and here we are taking in our first view from UNDER our apartment. Our master bedroom (the only bedroom, but master bedroom sounds better) is right above where I am standing in the picture.

... they let us into the apartment and so I grabbed a photo from our bedroom balcony (we have four balconies)

... and here is our bedroom window view at sunrise (sneaking ahead a bit, this was after walking up our 2nd or 3rd morning in our apartment)

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