Thursday, September 19, 2013

Lily Around Town (July-Aug 2013)

Miscellaneous Santa Cruz Photos

Here are some photos from around town. Lily with her auntie Julia ... aka Mrs. Ordahl at SLE

Lily getting a nice shower

Lily at the Crow's Nest with her mama

Woah, Ecua-chair! Lily knows how to relax on a sunny day

A view from east cliff on a normal Santa Cruz summer day ... ahhh, home ...

Lily and mom start taking selfies!

This is how dad chose to spend his birthday ... with his baby girl at the park (and then with his parents at the movies and a nice family dinner ... it was great!)

Awwww ... Lily cuddling with Tahoe bear before bed

Lily at Paul & Katie's housewarming party. Congrats to them on buying their first house! Lily though only cared about their backyard ... of which she mightily approves

WHAT?! Lily gets a new Cadillac! This baby was at the top of the review charts, safest in the world, best in comfort, A/C, electronic locks, front rear and side airbags, anti-lock breaks, all the bells and whistles you could need in a baby stroller ... and when dad throws his boombox in the bottom we got tunes to go!

Lily is training for having a little sister!

This was one of the first times Lily stood up on her own ... it would take over a month of this before she decided to walk more than a step or two ... but boy did she have great balance.

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