Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lily (December 6-12, 2013)

Here are some new shots of the queen of the castle. She is as warm-hearted and adorable as ever. Our friend Milo came over yesterday for some proseco (champaigne) and commented, "I still don't believe you guys that she is ever upset or cries. I have only seen her super happy all the time." And he sees her most days at the dining hall ... she is a pretty freaking adorable girl. Today she woke up from her nap ... and wanted to be hugged, pointed she wanted to go to mom ... gave me a kiss, gave her mom a kiss, gave me a kiss, and so on, smiling and giggling the whole time. She then saw we were eating goldfish crackers. She asked for a cracker (sign language) and we said ok. She then proceeded to feed me goldfish crackers and laugh when i crunched them up. I am pretty sure she had about 5 crackers and fed me about 40 ... then just hugged and kissed her sister for awhile ... a pretty smooth wake-up

These photos were on the night of the Christmas market here at school (Christmas markets, whatever they are ... are the cool thing to go checkout in Europe ... all the teachers driver hours away to check out these "christmas markets" in little towns in other countries ...)

Woah, she is not impressed ...

This was another day after waking up. She wanted her hat, and she wanted to sit in Chloe's carseat (which was on the stroller). So after driving her around the living room for awhile, I turned on some baby signing time for her ... she was only half awake, but loving it

... and then we put on her Ecuadorian dress and she looked SUPER ADORABLE! She would run into the kitchen and excitedly scream "ah!" and then run back at me and the camera and hug me ... then run back into the kitchen, turn around, and go "aaaahhh!" and run back smiling and cracking up the whole time ... what a game!

... and of course before bed Lily likes to clean up ... this time she is dusting the inside of the trash can ... she is very thorough

... and then when mom went away for just ten minutes or so ... Lily decided to take out all the diapers and throw them in the air screaming in delight ... and what do you think dad did? He got the camera and started throwing them in the air as well cracking up!

... and then when Lily was done, she tried to put on her sister's diapers over her clothes ... needless to say they didn't fit

... and this is how Lily plays with her folks ... hugs and kisses ... what a game!

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