Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas 2013 - Part 2 of the Photo Dump (December 25-28, 2013)

Part 2 of our Quarantined Christmas Vacation. Since we can't bring Lily anywhere else, and it is sunny as all heck outside in the middle of winter, she gets a lot of backyard time. Here are Lauren and her Aunt Nancy enjoying some Christmas morning Starbucks.

... with Lily!

... who found the lemon tree and thinks that lemons are wonderful throwing balls

... and everyone can enjoy that

... and then dad left to see his family on Christmas morning. It was a small gathering since Sean was busy with his Christmas Eve newborn Robert Stratton Dilloughery and Ryan was at his in-laws with his one-month-old Kevin. Here is Devan happy as can be to see his long lost Swiss brother.

... and mom and dad smooching for the camera. I left out the smooching photos =)

... and then back to the quarantine zone to deliver a few presents (Dilloughery Christmas got postponed until all newborns and sick babies could attend). Here is Lily wearing her new ... um ... hair-band? from Rachel and it matches her outfit. Lookin' good!

... and her sister Chloe wearing her new hair-band that ALSO matches her outfit ... and looking ... is it possible?! ... more cute than Lily?!

Thank you for the presents Auntie Rachel!

... and then Lily got to open a few presents. The first one is one of her favorites. A cat keyboard!

... and then we had an easy relaxing day since both of our family Christmases were postponed. Here is Lily with her great grandma reading about the cat keyboard.

... and then Christmas morning with the La Follettes came on December 26th! Lily got to open more presents, along with everyone this time ...

... and then it was tickle time!

... and then Chloe woke up looking tough and asking a lot of questions about why she hasn't gotten to open any presents

... and once Lily noticed us taking care of sister, she had to take care of her baby doll

... and all the while mama was lookin' hot

... and then the Dillougherys came to see the grandkids

... and even Auntie Bri stopped by to hang out with her nieces

... and this was during our walk along East Cliff with Sean, Jama, Camille and the newborn Robert. It was a great walk and we stopped for some Mexican at the Point Deli.

All in all, our Christmas vacation is starting to look up ... except for Lauren coming down with something and us still being quarantined ... which meant missing all the Christmas, Birthday, and Friendsgiving celebrations ... but other than that things are lookin' up!

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